【同义词辨析】 2018-10-25 反对oppose-antagonize

oppose: can apply to a range from mere objection to bitter hostility or active warfare: ~d the plan to build a nuclear power plant.

combat: stresses the forceful or urgent nature of actively countering something: ~ the disease by educating the public.  counter表示反方向反击反制,"Counter Attack"<恐精英>是1999年发布的枪战游戏,可以组成合成词如逆时针counter-clockwise,对方counterpart)

resist: implies an overt recognition of a hostile or threatening force and a positive effort to counteract, fend off, or repel it: struggled valiantly to ~ the temptation.

withstand: suggests a more passive, yet often successful, resistance: unable to ~ peer pressure.   身份平等的人如同学同事同僚

antagonize: implies an arousing of resistance or hostility in another: statements that ~d even his own supporters.   (antagonist除表示反对者敌视者,还表示戏剧小说等的反面角色,如指环王里的Sauron, the main antagonist in The Lord of the Rings。反义词protagonist支持者,正面角色主人公)

object反对: 适用范围广,从仅仅表示不同意敌意战争,combat战斗: 强调迫切有力反击某物,resist抵抗: 表示意识到了敌意或威胁,并采取措施对其反击抵挡驱离(counteract, fend off, repel),withstand抵抗住: 表示被动但通常成功的抵抗,antagonize引发对立: 表示激起对抗或敌意

记忆方法: 1)首字母OCRWA写成a crow一只乌鸦<==引人反感,让人反对

        2)反对的意思是与之对立mean to set oneself against someone or something.